And more than just support.
How can we help you
We invest in innovative projects during their early commercial stages, supporting ambitious and dedicated founding teams with strong execution capabilities, eager to create value and make a positive impact on society.
With initial investments ranging from €300k to €1M, and the potential to invest up to €4M in subsequent funding rounds for the same company, our investment can be crucial for the rapid growth of your startup, as well as attract other investors in our entry or future rounds.
With over 13 years of investment experience, we provide strategic value to our portfolio companies through quarterly or monthly follow-up meetings after our investment, sharing acquired knowledge and leveraging our networks and support programs for portfolio companies.
Our passion for entrepreneurship, empathy for founding teams, and positive attitude during challenging times can be crucial for overcoming delicate situations. Before being investors or entrepreneurs, we are human beings, aware of the complexities involved in launching a business project and its emotional and life impact.

What startups are we looking for?
We invest in the initial commercial phase of startups across various sectors or technologies, primarily in Spain but also in other European countries (e.g., Germany, Belgium, or France). Our main selection criteria are as follows:
Minimum. of 6-12 months of sales and a clear commercial strategy
Private financing requirements between €300k and €2M in the planned round
Maximum of 3 years since the company's establishment
High potential for growth and value creation through innovation
Committed founders with strong execution capabilities and an ethical approach
Why Faraday?
Investment flexibility
We tailor the size of our investment to the development stage of your startup, initially investing smaller amounts (€300k to €1M) and larger amounts in subsequent funding rounds (up to €4M)
Human Aspect
We have experienced many challenging situations and understand the pressures in high-potential & high-risk companies. We strive to empathize and create value during these tough times, conveying calmness and prioritizing the values and principles that drive us as individuals
Strategic support
We share knowledge and best practices with our portfolio companies through templates and models, as well as through our collective benefits program or tailored support based on their specific needs
Commercial Empowerment
We leverage the networks of our more than 400 private investors in a structured manner, connecting our portfolio companies with the right individuals in large potential clients through trusted circles

Now let’s talk about your startup
Are you interested in joining our family of portfolio companies?